In Learning and Development process Virtual Reality Technique is playing very important role as it provides Three-Dimensional Experience to the Learner with Audio/Visual effects, and to interact with instruments and machines in safe environment and with no fear of damage to self, peers and nearby building/objects.
To give real life experience of various modules/systems in power plant through virtual mode, NTPC has taken initiative in developing VR Modules for working at Height, Condensate Extraction Pump (CEP), ESP Normalization, Confined Space etc.
NTPC Safety Academy at Unchahar has established VR Lab at its campus. VR Lab was inaugurated by CGM, Unchahar, Shri Kamlesh Soni on 20 December, 2021.
Efforts of NSA Unchahar in establishing the VR Lab have been appreciated.
In future other stations/organizations coming for attending Safety programs at NSA will get additional advantage of going through these VR modules.